License Renewal & Management
It’s not unusual for even a single business to have multiple licenses to keep track of with different renewal dates. License Comply can help you keep track of and renew these licenses, so you don’t fall out of compliance.
Business License Verification
With different permits, licenses, and tax registrations that must be valid and renewed at different periods, it’s important to periodically evaluate the state of various licenses. A business can’t necessarily expect an advance notification from other agencies that a license may be about to expire or has already passed. License Comply can help you stay informed about the state of your licenses.
Our license research and verification service goes to public business records for official confirmation. You can stay up to date on your licenses and expiration dates or ensure potential vendors comply with their licenses and permits.
Business License Research Package
Most businesses will require multiple permits and licenses to comply with business law. These may range from standard business licenses to permits specific to a practice, such as those needed by lawyers, personal services like hair styling, or even specific federal-level licenses for those undertaking government contracts.
Because licenses and permits usually span different government agencies and departments from the local, county, state, and even federal levels, knowing exactly which licenses are required and their renewal dates can be time-consuming. A license package lets you find every relevant license in one place, so you don’t have to worry that you may have missed something that will put you out of compliance.
About Us
Protecting Your Business Is Our Business at LicenseComply
This is where you can start your business journey with the right registration. Or, if you’re still looking into what type of business licenses you may need for your operation, you can start researching licenses here. License Comply can provide crucial compliance guidance at all business stages.
Our Mission
Keeping you in business is our business. We help make the business license process reliable and predictable, with assistance for many different business requirements. Whether you need to research a new license or get updates on your old one, you can rest easy knowing LicenseComply is watching over the entire process.
Personalized Service
With our personalized service, you will reach a real person by phone, email, or live chat to address your licensing questions and compliance. The LicenseComply team is comprised of industry veterans with decades of experience in nationwide corporate compliance.
Our Vision
Navigating various government websites and/or offices to determine your specific requirements, renewals, and forms is a complicated and timely process. LicenseComply has stepped into the future of business licensing by simplifying and streamlining the licensing process.
Different Licenses For Different Levels
There are different levels of government, so it shouldn’t be surprising that some business activity may intersect with some or all of these different levels. Whether your business is doing national-level work or just focusing on serving the county, License Comply knows how to obtain licenses at every government level, including:
The majority of businesses, especially those operating in commercial properties, will require licenses and permits from the city or town of operation. Learn more about these local license requirements here.
Depending on the state and the business, some business activities may require permits or licenses from the county of operation to remain compliant with tax and legal regulations. Find out more about it here.
Most businesses will require a license from the state government to remain in good standing and stay compliant with business law. Find out what you need for your state of choice here.
Some businesses work with Federal agencies or provide services or products at the Federal level. If you need a federal license, you can find more information here.
How It Works
We help businesses acquire their licenses for nearly every industry and location in the United States. If you have any questions about your specific business, simply live chat or contact us to learn about how we can help address your specific requirements.
Initial Filing
You don't know what you don't know - which is why LicenseComply is here to help you navigate licensing your business. You've invested a lot of time and money into starting up, and now keep the doors open with our help to remain compliant.
Renewal and Management
LicenseComply is here for you in the long term to keep your business licenses compliant. Gone are the days of lost renewals in the mail or on your assistant's messy desk. Your license updates and renewal notifications will ... (add info about online management process)
A License For Every Business
Most businesses will fall under some common categories and require well-established and well-documented licenses to remain compliant and in good legal standing to operate. If you’d like to know more about common licenses businesses often need to consider, look at this list of 50 common licenses.
Not Sure What Licenses You Need?
If you have any specific questions or want more information about your license needs for your business, we’d be happy to talk. Contact us with your questions or comments.