Business License Verification
Don’t Take Any Chances With Your Licenses. Stay Verified & Compliant
When a business is just starting, it’s feasible at this smaller scale to devote some time to due diligence and stay on top of the licenses, permits, and regulations a business needs to comply with. However, as a business grows, especially as it expands to new locations, this becomes more difficult and less realistic to achieve. If a business grows and eventually opens offices, outlets or franchises out of state, this dramatically increases both the need and complexity for requiring licenses and permits. These permits will usually have wildly differing expiration dates, and missing any of these can mean a business, or one of its branches, falls out of compliance and faces steadily rising penalties until the issue gets addressed. Current licenses are always a matter of public record, so not only can your own licenses be checked, but those of any business you are interested in.Stay Aware, Keep Your Peace Of Mind
Business license verification is a service that oversees your existing business documentation, licenses, and permits across all your business interests and resources. It confirms and verifies their validity and notes any licenses approaching their expiration date.
For any business with interests in multiple locations, especially out-of-state, there is a lot to keep track of. Business owners can’t necessarily rely on the issuing agencies to send automatic or warning notifications when their renewal date approaches.
This also means that if you’re considering working with another business, you can also have verification done on them to ensure that all of their licenses are current and compliant. Any lapse of licenses or other permit issues will be viewable upon a verification check. You always have the option to do your own research and verify for your own peace of mind that any company you do business with, such as work with a new contractor, is just as compliant with licenses and permits as you are, protecting your own business and transactions.
If you want the peace of mind and up-to-date business status that comes from having your business licenses verified across the board, or you want to double-check that a company you’re dealing with is up to date on its own licenses and permits, we can help. If you’d like to talk to someone with your questions or comments about our business license verification services, you can contact us here.
How long does the order process take?
We can begin today and, in some cases, have your license application filed within 24 hours (see expedited service). All regulatory agencies have different turnaround times, and some do not offer online services. LicenseComply strives to maintain the industry’s fastest turnaround times through relations with various regulatory offices.
Call 866-205-8969 and speak with one of our consultants to obtain the average turnaround time for your business.
Do I have to be present to sign the paperwork when filing for a license?
In most cases, the answer is no.
Some regulatory agencies have the ability to accept online applications but some do not. Call 866-205-8969 and speak with one of our consultants to obtain the average turn-around time for your business
Who gets counted in the business license monitoring subscription service?
Each unique license within a regulatory agency is counted as an individual service subscription. This includes licenses added at the group, sub-group, and jurisdiction.
How can I get a list of my licenses?
You can get a list of your licenses by contacting our representative directly or emailing, assuming we have serviced the entity within that regulatory agency. The obtained list will provide the existing licenses on your account at the time of the request. LicenseComply can also research additional licenses for a small license research fee.
I filed my licenses already but I am not sure if they are active, can you help me find them?
LicenseComply has a great network and vast experience in business license research services. Please contact us to help you locate these business licenses and help you keep them in active status.