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Initial Business Filing

A Good Start Is The Path To Business Success

Starting your own business means controlling your own destiny, but it also means a heavier burden of responsibility, especially in legal and financial areas. A lot of groundwork needs to be laid in the beginning, starting with the initial business filing.

Getting this right is important so your business can start on the right foot. Failing to do so can mean violating laws, resulting in denials of applications, liens, and even closer scrutiny of you and your business dealings.

It’s Not Just One Thing

The initial business filing is a crucial early stage in the life of a business. A wealth of different requirements, licenses, and applications must be properly filled, submitted, and paid for, often to other government agencies and departments at local, state, and sometimes even federal levels.

None of these licenses and permits are necessarily connected or interrelated, meaning it’s up to you to track down the necessary requirements at these levels to stay on top of remaining compliant. While possible, this is tedious and time-consuming, with serious consequences for accidentally overlooking or forgetting one or more.

We Can Help

There is a lot of paperwork, files, fees, administrative processes, licenses, permits, and regulations to keep track of for an initial business filing. License Comply’s initial business filing service gives you complete guidance and a checklist for everything you need to do for a successful, compliant initial business filing. We remove the need to scour different agency, local, county, state, and federal requirements and provide you with everything you need for your specific business to start the right way. Whether opening up an accounting firm at home or starting your own hairstyle salon at your first commercial property, you don’t have to worry about missing anything specific to your business with our initial business filing package.

Prepare For The Future

Even during the initial business filing phase, an important factor to consider is being well-prepared for the future. You may be getting all the licenses and permits you need now, but they will have different expiration dates that need to be tracked. There is also the ongoing need for proper documentation, especially in financial areas like taxes, to remain compliant as the months and years go by.

Being prepared and organized right from the start for license renewals, permits, documents, and other forms of financial and legal compliance is something else License Comply can help with through the initial business filing and beyond.

If you’d like to speak to someone in more detail about an initial business filing, the price points, or any other related questions, you can contact us here.

How long does the order process take?

We can begin today and, in some cases, have your license application filed within 24 hours (see expedited service). All regulatory agencies have different turnaround times, and some do not offer online services. LicenseComply strives to maintain the industry’s fastest turnaround times through relations with various regulatory offices.

Call 866-205-8969 and speak with one of our consultants to obtain the average turnaround time for your business.

Do I have to be present to sign the paperwork when filing for a license?

In most cases, the answer is no.

Some regulatory agencies have the ability to accept online applications but some do not. Call 866-205-8969 and speak with one of our consultants to obtain the average turn-around time for your business

Who gets counted in the business license monitoring subscription service?

Each unique license within a regulatory agency is counted as an individual service subscription. This includes licenses added at the group, sub-group, and jurisdiction.

How can I get a list of my licenses?

You can get a list of your licenses by contacting our representative directly or emailing service@licensecomply.com, assuming we have serviced the entity within that regulatory agency. The obtained list will provide the existing licenses on your account at the time of the request. LicenseComply can also research additional licenses for a small license research fee.

I filed my licenses already but I am not sure if they are active, can you help me find them?

LicenseComply has a great network and vast experience in business license research services. Please contact us to help you locate these business licenses and help you keep them in active status.

Local Business Licenses

County Business Licenses

State Business Licenses

Federal Business Licenses

Initial Business Filing

Business License Research

Business License Verification

Business License Renewal & Management

We Can Help

There is a lot of paperwork, files, fees, administrative processes, licenses, permits, renewals, and regulations to keep track of for a business license filing. License Comply’s business filing services give you complete guidance and a checklist for everything you need to do to maintain compliant licenses.

We remove the need to scour different agency, local, county, state, and federal requirements and provide you with everything you need for your specific business to start or maintain compliance the right way. Whether opening up a simple or complicated business, you don’t have to worry about missing anything with LicenseComply as your personal licensing assistant.

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LicenseComply Guarantee

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Not Sure What Licenses You Need?

The purpose of our business is to match you with the right licenses so that your business will be compliant.

If you have any specific questions or want more information about your license needs for your business, we are here to chat. Contact us today to find out more about your license requirements.