State Business License
Every State Has Distinct Business License Requirements
The vast majority of businesses that begin operations will usually require some state license, even if it’s only a general business license. A few small businesses, such as craft sales online, personal consultancies, app design, and freelance writing, require no license.
However, for most traditional businesses, such as retail or professional services. Just a few of the more traditional business entities include:
Food & Beverage
Whether serving the main course or mixing cocktails, food, and beverage-related businesses have always been under state jurisdiction and require state licensing.
Construction & Contracting
States have rigidly defined building safety, and structural codes, meaning only qualified professionals with state-issued licenses can legally perform this work.
Insurance Agencies
Insurance plays a crucial financial role for many people, not just for accidents but for everyday personal matters such as paying for health and dental care. This kind of essential financial coverage requires state licensing and oversight.
Automotive Repair
In the same way that different states have their own state driver’s licenses and requirements, the same is true for the automotive repair industry and the associated businesses.
Real Estate
Property transactions have always been a matter of both local and state governments, especially for ownership and taxation purposes, so it’s no surprise that the real estate industry has state licensing requirements.
Collection Agencies
Debt collection is a serious financial activity, which means that associated businesses must be carefully licensed and regulated by the state to operate legally.
Personal Services
Many businesses, such as barbers, hairstylists, cosmetologists, manicurists, and others, require state licensing to operate legally since they work directly with citizens.
Distinct State Requirements
Every state will have different but specific requirements for accruing the proper license. These licenses also vary between businesses, as a contractor’s license for renovating homes is very different from a lawyer’s license to open up a legal practice in the state. It is crucial for businesses to carefully look at the specific state requirements for the licenses relevant to them; failing to do so could put your business out of compliance and lead to severe consequences.
If you’d like help or have questions about licensing for your business in your state, talk to us. Bring your comments and questions here.
How long does the order process take?
We can begin today and, in some cases, have your license application filed within 24 hours (see expedited service). All regulatory agencies have different turnaround times, and some do not offer online services. LicenseComply strives to maintain the industry’s fastest turnaround times through relations with various regulatory offices.
Call 866-205-8969 and speak with one of our consultants to obtain the average turnaround time for your business.
Do I have to be present to sign the paperwork when filing for a license?
In most cases, the answer is no.
Some regulatory agencies have the ability to accept online applications but some do not. Call 866-205-8969 and speak with one of our consultants to obtain the average turn-around time for your business
Who gets counted in the business license monitoring subscription service?
Each unique license within a regulatory agency is counted as an individual service subscription. This includes licenses added at the group, sub-group, and jurisdiction.
How can I get a list of my licenses?
You can get a list of your licenses by contacting our representative directly or emailing, assuming we have serviced the entity within that regulatory agency. The obtained list will provide the existing licenses on your account at the time of the request. LicenseComply can also research additional licenses for a small license research fee.
I filed my licenses already but I am not sure if they are active, can you help me find them?
LicenseComply has a great network and vast experience in business license research services. Please contact us to help you locate these business licenses and help you keep them in active status.